Group Exhibition
Artists: Marshall Baron, Leonora Kibel, Adele Walters
Newspaper Article (unspecified, probably The Chronicle), “Hundreds visit art show”, 1967, Norval House, Sixth Avenue
The most controversial art exhibition staged in Bulawayo for a number of years was visited by several hundred people yesterday.
The artists, Miss Adele Walters, Mrs. Leonora Kibel and Mr. Marshall Baron, are sponsored by the Bulawayo and Districts Art Council.
The exhibition has stimulated diverse remarks by spectators. While one woman described the painting by Mr. Baron as “superb”, another thought it looked “like dried blood”.
A fragile clay pot on exhibition burst yesterday, provoking one viewer to comment: “That’s pop art.”
Some of the paintings by each artist and a considerable amount of pottery have been sold.
The exhibition, at Norval House, Sixth Avenue, is open until the end of the month.
Newspaper Article (unspecified). “Modern art praised by judge.”
There was limitless scope for modern art, the world of imaginative and the spiritual, Mr. Justice Dendy Young said in Bulawayo yesterday.
Opening an art exhibition by three Bulawayo artists, Miss Adele Walters, Mrs.Leonora Kibel and Mr. Marshall Baron, he said modern art was not afraid of the anti-natural in color, conception or execution and did not try to imitate the past.
“It uses science but does not seek to produce the effects of photography in competition with the camera”, he said.
He described Miss Walter’s controversial work as “challenging”. The somewhat startling representation of a man dying on the cross he understood to be true to reality, he said, and was “a crucifixion” and not “the Crucifixion”.
About 200 people attended the opening, including the Mayoress of Bulawayo, Mrs. Una Kinleyside. Also present was Mrs. Eugenie Shapshak, from the U.S., whose husband, Rene, sculpted the controversial Mother and Child for the Centenary Exhibition in Bulawayo in 1953. He has had several works exhibited at the United Nations, she said.
Asked to comment on the Bulawayo exhibition, Mrs. Shapshak said: “I can enjoy many different types of paintings, and would not like to compare.” Mrs. Shapshak is here on holiday.