Exhibition has a higher quality
The work shown at the current exhibition of the Bulawayo Art Club sustains a higher general level of quality than in most previous years.
Competence is evident; the disappointment is that there is not much work to delight the senses or to challenge the imagination. Continue reading “Exhibition has a higher quality”
Keeping arts alive is an uphill task
Viewpoint by Marshall Baron, of Bulawayo, The Chronicle
Curtailment of the arts affects quality of life
Viewpoint by Marshall Baron, of Bulawayo, The Chronicle
Continue reading “Curtailment of the arts affects quality of life”
Quote was Plea for Tolerance
The Bulawayo Chronicle
I declined the line-by-line debate with H.G. Sendall on the function of art in society because it would take considerable space adequately to traverse all the issues involved, and I am far from certain that the argument would be of general interest to your readers.
Art show deserves support
I remember the late Walter Murch, one of America’s foremost realist painters of this century, saying to a student during a life drawing class: “Don’t ever be concerned with literal accuracy – your responsibility is not to the subject, it’s to the painting or drawing you are making”.
Mixed show of paintings
Viewpoint by Marshall Baron, of Bulawayo, The Chronicle
It is difficult to make a sober assessment of Captain E.M. Channing-Renton’s paintings now-on-show at Meikles. More than 150 paintings have been crowded together on a small wall area, giving the exhibition a regrettable resemblance to an oriental market.
Even allowing, though, for the uns Continue reading “Mixed show of paintings”
Pleasing and subtle colour tones
Within its chosen limits as an art of calm reportage, Veronica Burleigh’s painting work in water colours and oils now on view at Naake’s Gallery, Bulawayo, is very competent indeed.