The senior pupils who performed at the lunch-hour concert yesterday of the Rhodesian Academy of Music sustained a high level of accomplishment. Two performances were outstanding:
Soprano in Fine Voice
Yesterday’s lunch-hour recital of the Rhodesian Academy of Music brought Judith Conradie Watt (soprano) back to the concert platform after several years’ absence. A warm reception testified to her popularity.
This Mozart pianist lacked authority
Mozart produced some of his greatest work at astonishingly high creative pressure. The last three symphonies were written in six weeks, and the C. Minor Piano Concerto in 21 days between work on The Marriage of Figaro.
This voice has big promise
The overheard comment of a schoolgirl leaving Saturday evening’s concert by Asher Hainovitz and the Barbara Thomas Singers – “I wish it had gone on for hours” – was probably a good index of popular feeling.
Mixed show of paintings
Viewpoint by Marshall Baron, of Bulawayo, The Chronicle
It is difficult to make a sober assessment of Captain E.M. Channing-Renton’s paintings now-on-show at Meikles. More than 150 paintings have been crowded together on a small wall area, giving the exhibition a regrettable resemblance to an oriental market.
Even allowing, though, for the uns Continue reading “Mixed show of paintings”
Youngsters show progress
The Rhodesian Academy of Music lunch-hour concert yesterday followed the yearly practice of featuring some of the pupils who had achieved special success in the eisteddfod. As many of the youngsters figure annually, it was interesting to record their progress. have
Difficult task for soloist
There are a few works in music which inhabit some knife-edge between jubilation and tragedy, miraculously participating in both, but submerged in neither. Among these are Mozart’s Grosse Fugue and the final Hallelujah in the minor key in Bach’s cantata, Christ Lag in Todesbanden.
Child of the opera house Рnot church
After completing William Tell, Rossini went into musical silence for 39 years, broken only – apart from some trite jottings – by his Stabat Mater and the Petit Messe Solenelle.
Mature playing at R.A.M. concert
The Rhodesian Academy of Music’s periodic presentation concerts give the public an opportunity to keep in touch with its work. Friday evening’s concert gave a firm impression of progress in every field of performance.
Fine Messiah sung by City chorus
Handel’s vision of redemption in the Messiah is no less exhalted or deeply felt for being express in open-hearted, forthright musical language.