The Rhodesian Academy of Music lunch-hour concert yesterday followed the yearly practice of featuring some of the pupils who had achieved special success in the eisteddfod. As many of the youngsters figure annually, it was interesting to record their progress. have
Rosemary Walker, now 10, is developing a distinct musical personality, though technically she was not at her best yesterday. Susan Oldham (17), another pianist, was distinctly more confident than last year. I would have liked more emphasis of the part playing in her Bach fugue.
Margaret Archer (10), played a Beethoven movement with maturity and control. Yolande Wrigley (10), played her Schumann with lots of facility, and Kathy Nicolaides (11), showed tidy fingerwork.
I very much liked the intelligence which Elizabeth Good (16), displayed in her Bach Invention, even though she tended to rush and made a false start by moving into the major key.
There was sturdy piano duet playing by Steve (9) and David Beaty (11), and by Hazel Rogers and Rose Tobias (both 14), Hazel Rogers at the treble
David Chandler (13) exhibited promise in his clarinet solo, but he must master his breathing difficulties. A violin solo by Gordon Agney (14) of a difficult Bach gigue was exceptionally pleasing.
He trio composed of Michel Robb (10), and Jane Oldham (9), Violins and Duncan Goodyear (14), played a Haydn movement with expression.