Sunday TV focus in the arts in Rhodesia
The Bulawayo Chronicle. Date unknown.
Mr Marshall Baron and other leading figures on the local art scene are to figure in the first of a
new series of live programmes which will be transmitted from the Bulawayo studio or RTV this
The programme is called CRITIQUE and promised to present a discussion on art in a novel and
controversial form.
The emphasis in this and in future programmes in the same series (seven in all), will be on the
arts in Rhodesia.
The Arts Council, which already plays a leading role here in its
encouragement of the talents, will be cooperating in these productions.
Each programme will last 40 minutes. Music and the theatre are among the subjects to be
included. Not only will there be discussion and criticism, there will also be snatches of drama,
song, music and even an artist at work.
The first in the series, being produced by Graham Ross, is at 4.15 this afternoon.
TELEVISION … by Monitor
Critique made a good start
Bulawayo Chronicle. Date unknown.
YOU may or may not agree with what is perpetrated on canvas or in stone in the name of
modern art, but you cannot escape the fact that the discussion featured in the first of the
Sunday afternoon RTV programmes, CRITIQUE is stimulating.
Gramham Ross is to be congratulated on his presentation, and the young members of his
discussion group are to be commended with equal heartiness for the fact that they needed no
“prodding” to keep the ball of argument kicking briskly back and forth.
I note their names because they deserve recognition: Helen Leros, Jane Snow, Malcolm
Stephens, Marshall Baron and Tony Pitch.
Some of the comment may have been way over the heads of non-artistic viewers but the whole
thing was handled brightly, intelligently and with an unusual amount of plain speaking.
My only criticism is that there should have been more comment, if only very briefly, upon the
pictures, etc., glimpsed in the studion